Adaptive strategies, inspiring leaders & flexible structures
The 11th Symposium on Competence-Based Strategic Management (SKM) hosted by the University of Stuttgart focuses on how organizations might attain agility. With this year’s topic we strive to explore how organizational agility emerges or is impeded through the enactment of strategies and structures as well as specific actions of individuals. The symposium additionally includes an executive seminar as well as a PhD-workshop.
Keynote speakers

Prof. Dr. Claus Rerup is Professor of Management at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany. Before joining Frankfurt School in 2017, he was an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Ivey Business School, Western University, Canada. He has also been a visiting professor at University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and Bocconi University, Italy. He obtained his PhD from the Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Denmark, and completed his Post Doc Research Fellowship at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
His research sits between Organization Theory and Strategy, and his core areas of scholarly expertise include routine dynamics, sensemaking/attention, and learning. He specializes in qualitative research, drawing on archival data, interviews, and ethnographic methods. His research has won awards from the Academy of Management, and been published in leading academic journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, among others. He has current or previous editorial positions on the boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Organization Studies and Strategic Organization. In 2016, a paper published in 2011 in the Academy of Management Journal with Martha Feldman received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Economics & Business.

Prof. Dr. Christian Stadler is a Professor in Strategic Management. Prior to joining Warwick Business School he was at University of Bath School of Management, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and Innsbruck University. Christian is an expert on long-term success. For the past decade he devoted his energy to the investigation of long-living corporations – how they grow, adapt, and consistently beat their competitors.
His work has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg Business Week, Fast Company, Fortune/CNN, and the BBC, and has been translated into 11 languages
Impressions of the SKM 2019
Copyright: University of Stuttgart
Additional information

Conference Languages
Conference languages are English and German. In order to accommodate international participants, continuous sessions in English are guaranteed. However, it is possible to submit contributions in German. German-speaking discussion groups will complete the conference activities.

Publication Opportunities
For the best conference papers, we offer a fast‐track review process and publishing opportunity in the Journal of Competences, Strategy, and Management (JCSM; former: Journal of Competence‐based Strategic Management) ranked in VHB-Jourqual [C]. Depending on the number of adequate paper submissions, we additionally consider editing special issues in other acknowledged academic journals.